Thursday, November 17, 2011

High Speed Rail, a short list of why we should build it.

Capitalism requires growth.
Development occurs along transit lines.
Airports are near capacity.
Highways are crowed.
Population is growing.
High Speed Rail provides a third transit option.
Much faster than car,
Much more enjoyable than a plane,
The Train can take you to the plane.
Why bail out broken CEO’s when you can invest in your future standard of living.
Taxpayers buy employment, infrastructure and growth.
Construction jobs are ripple up economics.
Promote redevelopment around central transit hubs.
All the cool nations have them.
They are profitable, unlike highways or airlines.
High Speed Rail is the energy efficient way of moving people around.
The Trains runs off of clean electricity.
Oil Companies think it’s a mortal sin.
Let's start building.

Wolf out, end of transmission...

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Immigration; add Check Points for leaving the US.

Feds sue Arizona over immigration law.

Books will be written on this subject but since this is a blog I will keep to just a few points today.

The background. The US is a nation of immigrants; we all come from somewhere else. Yes even the Native Americans migrated here some 10,000 plus years ago. There has always been conflicts between the older immigrants or their children and the batch of new comers. Watch “the Gangs of New York” were the established Italians didn’t like the new Irish coming in. Or a number of movies about the decimation of the native cultures at the hands of the European newcomers. This nation has been built on the backs of cheap foreign labor. The Chinese build the first transcontinental railroads. Italian craftsmen built the Victorians of San Francisco. Etc. The last thirty years or so lots of Mexican and other Americans from farther south have been coming into the nation. It’s hard to get a green card and the borders are a joke. Now we have an estimate 11 million illegal aliens in the country. Businesses like the cheap labor that can’t complain. Everybody likes the cheaper prices that result from this. Cities and municipalities don’t like the extra folks that take up resources and don’t pay much tax. Everybody knows the system is broke. The question is how to make it better. Arizona has passed a law that will go into effect soon. I’ve read only what the headlines print about the law. It seems the state is fed up with doing what the Fed’s say is there job but not doing. I don’t like the tone of the bill from what I have read but a small part of it makes sense to me.

The Part of the law that I support is having your papers on you. If I get stopped by a police officer for a traffic infraction I am supposed to have my state issued driver’s license, which should mean I’m a citizen, proof of insurance, depending on the state, and car registration. If I can’t produce an ID, I’m likely to go to jail till my record, can be verified. When I am in other countries I carry around my US passport as my ID and proof that I entered the said country legally. I see no problem with expecting foreigners to carry around their papers while in the US. They are guest here.

Now if police officers have the right to stop folks just so they can check one’s papers. This gives police too much power that they will abuse. I think some joined the force because they got power issues. This is a blatant break from the Bill of Rights and should remain illegal.

I can see why Arizona wants this. The US government isn’t doing their job enforcing immigration and the borders.

One Solutions is installing Check points for leaving the USA. Most borders have two gates; check out of one country and into another. Why is the US/Mexico border so different? Up until a few years back, no passports were needed to reenter the US. What the f@&# is up with that? The easiest solution to a number of border related problems is installing secured exit points along the borders like most other countries have. Right now one can simply drive into Mexico with no stopping. The Mexicans don’t have an entry gate so they can get cheap stolen cars from the US. Why don’t we stop everyone that is leaving the country and make sure they have their passports stamped and the car they are driving is theirs. Seem like a no brainer but I haven’t herd a peek about this from anyone, left or right. It will be cheaper and more effective than a wall. In parts of Arizona, your car can be stolen and in Mexico before you even know it’s missing. Think of all the crime that would solve if the thugs didn’t have a place to run to. It would make human trafficking more difficult also.

There is much more to talk about on the issues and I will do so in the coming weeks.

Wolf out. end transmission

Saturday, March 6, 2010


I have affection for my Wii avatar. He looks so cute playing disc golf. I want him to do well. Maybe because Animation is one of my skills, or just since i have draw myself so often, He feels like me! I see him in his cute virtual world. I admire the skill and craft in making the game environment so frelling cute! I like watching him play his game and routing for him. His game is pretty erratic. First hole is a triple bogey and next is a hole in One. It’s like he can easily win the game if he just pay attention. I keep praising him on his increasingly good aim. He gets annoyed with himself for not getting it in the glowing moving column of color that is the “hole.” He thinks he should have made it a throw or two before but still makes a par. That’s why i think he is tripping himself up. It’s easier to accept failure than it is to accept success. I blame my Lutheran upbringing. The whole life is hard and then you die attitude of the Missouri Sinai. I may have gotten the point wrong, I did fall asleep allot during church. But it was also part of a Simpson Joke. Homer to disheartened children, “kids you gave it your best and failed miserably, the lesson is don’t try.” So maybe it is bigger than the church, it’s in society at large. But going on, there is a saying that you can learn more about a person by playing a game with them than you can by a thousand conversations. That being said, I just gave away to the great internet big brother the secret to my soul. It feels good to be so open, to express myself and maybe be heard.. The fear/reality is that this information will be databased and sold to anyone paying the collector enough cash to satisfy them. By private company or governments anything you do on line will be collected and eventually sifted through and Sold. 10 years ago I thought the biggest election question of 2000 was Privacy Rights. But so few seemed to care. The first appointed president pushed the fear button and away went our legal right to privacy. After giving corporations a larger amount of control over media outlets, they naturally gave him all your phone records, when he came asking, in the name of security. The democratic congress is still defending this constitutionally illegal action. Maybe that is why I’m more angry at the Democrats than the Republicans. I know they’re Fascists, I was just hoping the Dems weren’t. I knew better. They’re both big business parties. We don’t have a labor party, oh God that would make us communist. But can you blame them for taking industry money? Who do they have to pay to get on TV so you, the voting citizens, can notice the advertisements, I mean political ads. Of course the government created the laws that allow media outlets to exist, they could/should write them so they have to broadcast political DEBATES. That is were the candidates get off the scripts and reveal their intellect and soul. But who would watch them since the media got everyone attention spans down to microseconds. That is why I have to keep jumped along, keep you interested. Congress could even pass a law that you have to be human to fund a politician. No more corporations that have the mentality of a hungry ameba, playing both sides of the congressional isle. Hey you got a choice! Coke or Pepsi. Soft drinks aside, if you’re wise, you know any complex ideological position loses it soul when cramped into catch phrase. The last Commander in Chief preached fear. The Opposite emotion elected the Current guy to office. Hope. But if you have read the Toa de Ching you’d know that hope is as hollow as fear, they are both based on the unreal. Speaking of the unreal, my Wii avatar just shot a hole in One. It does bring about some satisfaction. Bringing what has been envisioned into virtual reality. By the way, Welcome to my blog, hope you enjoy it. The following post will digest and flesh out many of the ideas briefly mentioned above. Hope you will return and read some more. My avatar is heading towards the planes now, time to fly.

Wolf out, end of transmission...